Otvoreno pismo NKEU predsednici NSRS i predsedniku Vlade RS (Serbian and English version)
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U nastavku prenosimo u celosti otvoreno pismo koje je Nacionalni konvent o Evropskoj uniji danas uputio predsednici Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije, gospođi Ani Brnabić i predsedniku Vlade Republike Srbije, gospodinu Milošu Vučeviću.
Kao što Vam je poznato, Nacionalni konvent o Evropskoj uniji je najbrojnija mreža organizacija civilnog društva u Srbiji koju čini nekoliko stotina članica-udruženja građana, profesionalnih i akademskih organizacija i pojedinaca okupljenih u cilju podrške evropskim integracijama Srbije. Tokom prethodnih deset godina Nacionalni konvent je odlukama Vlade, odnosno Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije, institucionalno prepoznat kao kanal za uključivanje javnosti u pregovarački proces Srbije i Evropske unije. Imajući u vidu drastično pogoršanje uslova za građansko delovanje tokom prethodnih nekoliko meseci, obraćamo vam se, iskreno zabrinuti za dalju sudbinu procesa evropskih integracija Srbije, ali i proces institucionalnog dijaloga koji je u ranijem periodu bio prepoznat kao primer transparentnog i efikasnog uključivanja predstavnika javnosti u pregovore o pritupanju Srbije Evropskoj uniji.
Poslednjih nekoliko nedelja svedočimo sve češćem hapšenju aktivista, kao i izjavama visokih državnih zvaničnika u kojima se, na osnovu manipulacija pravnim okvirom Republike Srbije, udruženja građana, uključujući i članove Nacionalnog konventa koji godinama dele svoje znanje i kapacitete sa drzavnim insitucijama u okviru procesa pristupanja EU, optužuju da su strani plaćenici, neprijatelji države, osobe koje imaju za cilj destabilizaciju zemlje i ugrožavanje bezbednosti predsednika države. Tome dodajemo da su pojedini članovi Radne grupe Nacionalnog konventa za poglavlje 35 koja se bavi praćenjem dijaloga između Beograda i Prištine, izloženi neopravdanom i bezrazložnom zadržavanju na graničnim prelazima od strane pripadnika Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova, očigledno po osnovu spiskova o verbalnom deliktu, pomenutim od strane ministra Ivice Dačića. Poslednji takav slučaj desio se na beogradskom aerodromu tokom prethodne večeri.
Sve ovo, zajedno sa kampanjom koju vode novinari tabloida, predstavljajući se kao forenzičari, tužioci i sudije stvara atmosferu straha i nesigurnosti koja ozbiljno otežava, ako ne i onemogućava, naš dalji rad. Ova poslednja kampanja je bazirana na činjenici da pojedina udruženja građana sredstva za svoj rad na potpuno zakonit način dobijaju iz inostranih izvora, iz kojih se finasiraju i aktivnosti Vlade Republike Srbije, njenih ministarstava, državnih institucija kao i lokalnih samouprava u Republici Srbiji.
Sve ove aktivnosti i izjave su neprihvatljive, i stoje u direktnoj suprotnosti s međunarodnim pravom i obavezama koje je Srbija preuzela u oblasti ljudskih prava i demokratskih sloboda, a posebno u okviru pregovaračkih poglavlja 23 i 24. Pravo na slobodu izražavanja, okupljanja i udruživanja su temeljna prava koja svaka demokratska država treba da štiti, a trenutni postupci državnih organa dovode u pitanje posvećenost Srbije tim principima.
Smatramo da je situacija u kojoj smo se kao društvo našli, posledica nepostojanja tolerantnog i inkluzivnog dijaloga između države i građana, osim za potrebe dokazivanja deklarativne posvećenosti daljoj evropskoj perspektivi Srbiji, bez istinske želje da se sagledaju različite perspektive i i posledice odluka koje se donose. Naknadna želja za dijalogom, koja se do sada demonstrirala, u situaciji u kojoj građani već počnu da izazivaju nezadovoljstvo na vaninstitucionalne načine, ne može doneti rezultat, jer predstavlja pokušaj da se naknadno podeli odgovornost za odluke koje su prethodno donete neinkluzivno i neparticipativno.
S druge strane, primećujemo da je narativ građanskih protesta istovremeno i anti-evropski, iako tema rudarskih aktivnosti nema nikakve direktne veze sa procesom evropskih integracija, niti predstavlja novi uslov koji Evropska unija iznosi pred Srbiju u pogledu njenog daljeg napretka u pregovaračkom procesu.
Imajući sve ovo u vidu, duboko zabrinuti za stanje demokratije i građanskih prava u Srbiji, ali i njenu dalju evropsku budućnost, obraćamo Vam se sa molbom da jasno iznesete svoj stav povodom uključivanja najviših državnih zvaničnika u kampanju protiv civilnog sektora. Takođe, u tom kontekstu smatramo neophodnim, da se u ovim okolnostima razjasni na koji način Vlada i Narodna skupština vide dalju saradnju sa civilnim sektorom, pa i Nacionalnim konventom.
Verujemo da je u interesu svih da se očuva prostor za slobodan rad civilnog sektora, koji je ključan za demokratski razvoj svake zemlje. Kao što smo više puta do sada isticali, Nacionalni konvent je i dalje spreman da pomogne proces demokratizacije Srbije u okviru procesa pristupanja EU, kao i dijalog na bilo koju temu od značaja za naše društvo, ukoliko postoji istinska spremnost institucija da mu pristupe bez predrasuda o neistomišljenicima i uz istinsku želju da se različita mišljenja uvaže. Da bi se to desilo, potrebno je da se predstavnici institucija, u skladu sa odgovornošću koju pred građanima imaju, uzdrže od daljih produbljivanja podela unutar društva i da svojim delovanjem obezbede institucionalni dijalog sa svim zainteresovanim akterima, u ranijim fazama odlučivanja, a ne nakon što su određene odluke donete.
Imajući u vidu sve napred navedeno, od vas očekujemo predlog daljih koraka u komunikaciji između institucija i civilnog sektora, kako bismo mogli da nastavimo saradnju u interesu procesa pristupanja Srbije Evropskoj uniji i razvoja Srbije kroz dijalog zasnovan na međusobnom poštovanju i uvažavanju različitih stavova.
Nacionalni konvent o Evropskoj uniji
To the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Mrs. Ana Brnabić
To the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Miloš Vučević
Open Letter
As you are aware, the National Convention on the European Union is the largest network of civil society organizations in Serbia, comprising several hundred member organizations, including citizens’ associations, professional and academic organizations, and individuals gathered to support Serbia’s European integration. Over the past decade, the National Convention has been institutionally recognized by decisions of the Government and the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia as a channel for public involvement in Serbia’s negotiations with the European Union. Given the drastic deterioration of conditions for civic action over the past few months, we are reaching out to you, deeply concerned about the future of Serbia’s European integration process and the institutional dialogue that was previously recognized as an example of transparent and effective public participation in the EU accession negotiations.
In recent weeks, we have witnessed an increasing number of activist arrests, as well as statements from high-ranking government officials accusing civil society organizations, including members of the National Convention, of being foreign agents, enemies of the state, and individuals whose goal is to destabilize the country and endanger the security of the President of the Republic, based on manipulations of Serbia’s legal framework. This is despite the fact that these organizations have shared their knowledge and capacities with state institutions for years as part of the EU accession process. Additionally, some members of the National Convention’s Working Group for Chapter 35, which monitors the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, have been subjected to unjustified and baseless detentions at border crossings by the Ministry of Interior, apparently based on so-called „verbal offense“ lists mentioned by Minister Ivica Dačić. The latest such incident occurred at Belgrade Airport last night.
All these actions, combined with a campaign led by tabloid journalists who present themselves as forensic experts, prosecutors, and judges, create an atmosphere of fear and insecurity that severely hinders, if not entirely prevents, our continued work. This latest campaign is based on the fact that some civil society organizations legally receive funding from foreign sources, the same sources that also finance activities of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, its ministries, state institutions, and local governments in Serbia.
These activities and statements are unacceptable and directly contradict international law and the obligations Serbia has undertaken in the field of human rights and democratic freedoms, particularly under Chapters 23 and 24 of the EU accession negotiations. The right to freedom of expression, assembly, and association are fundamental rights that every democratic state should protect, and the current actions of state authorities call into question Serbia’s commitment to these principles.
We believe that the situation in which we, as a society, find ourselves is a consequence of the lack of tolerant and inclusive dialogue between the state and its citizens, except for the purpose of proving a declarative commitment to Serbia’s European perspective, without a genuine desire to consider different perspectives and the consequences of decisions made. The subsequent desire for dialogue, which has been demonstrated so far, in a situation where citizens are already expressing dissatisfaction through non-institutional means, cannot yield results, as it represents an attempt to retrospectively share responsibility for decisions that were previously made in a non-inclusive and non-participatory manner.
On the other hand, we note that the narrative of civic protests is simultaneously anti-European, even though the issue of mining activities has no direct connection with the European integration process, nor does it represent a new condition imposed by the European Union for Serbia’s further progress in the negotiation process.
In light of all this, deeply concerned about the state of democracy and civil rights in Serbia, as well as its future in Europe, we are reaching out to you with a request that you clearly state your position on the involvement of the highest state officials in the campaign against the civil sector. Furthermore, in this context, we believe it is essential to clarify how the Government and the National Assembly envision further cooperation with the civil sector, including the National Convention.
We believe it is in everyone’s interest to preserve the space for the free operation of the civil sector, which is crucial for the democratic development of any country. As we have emphasized many times before, the National Convention remains ready to assist in the democratization process of Serbia within the framework of the EU accession process, as well as in dialogue on any topic of importance to our society, provided there is a genuine willingness on the part of the institutions to approach it without prejudice against dissenters and with a sincere desire to respect differing opinions. For this to happen, it is necessary for representatives of the institutions, in line with the responsibility they have before the citizens, to refrain from further deepening divisions within society and to ensure institutional dialogue with all interested parties in the early stages of decision-making, rather than after certain decisions have been made.
In light of all the above, we expect your proposal for the next steps in communication between the institutions and the civil sector so that we can continue our cooperation in the interest of Serbia’s EU accession process and Serbia’s development through dialogue based on mutual respect and appreciation of different viewpoints.
National Convention on the European Union