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Treći dijalog Nacionalnog konventa i predsednice Vlade: Životna sredina i energetika

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Treći sastanak u okviru redovnog dijaloga između predstavnika Nacionalnog konventa i predsednice Vlade Ane Brnabić bio je posvećen Zelenoj agendi, naročito zaštiti životne sredine i energetici.

Učesnici su se složili da je reč o najtežim temama u kojima je potreban iskren dijalog sa državom kako bi se izbegli šumovi u komunikaciji i širenje neproverenih informacija. Neodvojivo pitanje zaštite zdravlja kad se radi o zagađenju i energetskoj efikasnosti, zahteva saradnju svih delova društva i obezbeđivanje zdrave životne sredine za sve građane. Civilno društvo je važan saradnik u ostvarenju ovog cilja jer može da obezbedi kako analitiku, tako i precizne informacije s terena.

Poglavlje 27 – Životna sredina, nije otvoreno iako je pregovaračka pozicija dovršena. Pozitivnu ocenu pregovaračke pozicije dala je i Radna grupa Nacionalnog konventa koja prati poglavlje 27. Ipak ostaje da se u praksi primene mnoge neophodne politike. Budući da je poglavlje 27 „najskuplje“ poglavlje za zatvaranje, pripremljen je poseban investicioni plan koji još uvek nije dostupan javnosti. Svest da je potrebno  sistematsko unapređenje  životne sredine u zemlji, još uvek nije pretočena u konkretne javne politike. Činjenica da u Srbiji ima samo tri inspektora za rudarstvo govori u prilog tome. Upućen je zahtev predsednici Vlade da se drastično povećaju kazne za zagađivače. Ove kazne su trenutno suviše blage i ne podstiču zagađivača na trajnu promenu ponašanja.

Zadaci i u polju energetske efikasnosti su brojni i zahtevni. Srbija treba da iskoristi strategije na koje se već obavezala kako bi popravila stanje u zemlji, smanjila nivo štetnih emisija, više koristila potencijal za proizvodnju energije koji nije toliko štetan po životnu sredinu (geotermalni izvori, biomasa i sl.). Dobro je što postoji savremen regulatorni okvir ojačan sa četiri nova zakona o energetici koji su nedavno usvojeni, ali ostaje da se vidi kako će ti zakoni izgledati u praksi. Potrebno je da se analizira koji deo naših potreba za energijom zaista može da se zadovolji iz različitih izvora. Dat je primer minihidroelektrana derivacionog tipa, o kojima je bilo puno reči u javnosti. Čak i da se izgradi 850 minihidroelektrana, sve one bi davale svega 2.5% više energije od one koja već postoji u našem sistemu elektrosnabdevanja. Dok bi šteta bila nesrazmerno veća jer bi se tako uništili već osetljivi planinski ekosistemi.

Mi iz životne sredine volimo da kažemo da dolazimo iz budućnosti. Mi gledamo u 2030-tu ili 2050-tu godinu. Gledamo šta će biti dalje. Gledamo u međusobno isprepletane uticaje poljoprivrede, energetike, industrijskog razvoja, javnog zdravlja, kvaliteta životne sredine i društveno ekonomske odnose u lokalnim zajednicama.“ Upravo je ovo razlog zašto će teme zaštite životne sredine i energetike nastaviti da budu u fokusu, kako redovnog rada Nacionalnog konventa, tako i nastavka dijaloga sa predsednicom Vlade. Naredni sastanak najavljen je za maj 2021. godine, a biće posvećen pitanjima poljoprivrede i regionalnog razvoja u okviru klastera 5 „Resursi, poljoprivreda i kohezija“.


The third meeting within the regular dialogue between the representatives of the National Convention and the Prime Minister Ana Brnabić was dedicated to the Green Agenda, particularly the protection of the environment and energy.

Participants agreed that these are the most difficult topics that require an honest dialogue with the state in order to avoid noise in communication and the dissemination of unverified information. The inseparable issue of health protection when it comes to pollution and energy efficiency, requires the cooperation of all parts of society and ensuring a healthy environment for all citizens. Civil society is an important partner in achieving this goal as it can provide both analytics and accurate information from the field.

Chapter 27 – Environment, not open although the negotiating position has been completed. The Working Group of the National Convention, which follows Chapter 27, gave a positive assessment of the negotiating position. However, many key policies remain to be implemented in practice. As Chapter 27 is the „most expensive“ chapter to close, a special investment plan has been prepared but it is not yet available to the public. Awareness of the need for systematic improvement of the country’s environment has not yet been translated into concrete public policies. The fact that there are only three mining inspectors in Serbia speaks in favor of that. A request was sent to the Prime Minister to drastically increase the fines for polluters. These penalties are currently too mild and do not encourage polluters to permanently change their behavior.

Tasks in the field of energy efficiency are numerous and demanding. Serbia should use the strategies it has already committed to in order to improve the situation in the country, reduce the level of harmful emissions, focus energy production that is not as harmful to the environment (geothermal sources, biomass, etc.). It is positive that there is a modern regulatory framework strengthened by the four new energy laws that have recently been adopted, but it remains to be seen what those laws will look like in practice. It is necessary to analyze which part of our energy needs can really be met from different sources. An example of derivative mini-hydro power plants was given as there was a vide national debate on the topic. Even if 850 mini-hydropower plants were built, all of them put together would provide only 2.5% more energy compared with what already exists in our power supply system. At the same time the damage would be disproportionately bigger as it would destroy already sensitive ecosystems of the mountains.

„We in the field of environment like to say that we come from the future. We are looking at the year 2030 or 2050. We are looking at what will happen next. We are looking at the intertwined impacts of agriculture, energy, industrial development, public health, environment, and socio-economic relations in local communities. “ This is exactly the reason why the topics of environmental protection and energy will continue to be in the focus of both the regular work of the National Convention and the continuation of the dialogue with the Prime Minister. The next meeting is announced for May 2021, and it will be dedicated to the issues of agriculture and regional development within cluster 5 „Resources, agriculture and cohesion“.

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